
BENGKULU - South Bengkulu Police said two workers S (45) and M (35) died from an explosion of boiled machines (autoclaves). The boiled machine is an oil palm fruit coin (FFB) machine at the PT Sinar Bengkulu Selatan (SBS) factory in Tanjungan Village, Pino Raya District, South Bengkulu Regency. "It is true that a work accident caused two people to die due to an engine explosion at an oil palm company," said South Bengkulu Police Chief, AKBP Yudha Trisno Tampubolon when confirmed, Antara, Friday, October 21. The chronology of the incident began when the operation of the production machine at the PT SBS factory, which at that time was boiling 50 tons of palm oil bunches. At around 13.30 WIB suddenly there was a break in the area of the boiled machine which resulted in two employees bouncing from the cooking controller machine. Then the employees who were around the location immediately evacuated the two victims and took them to Asy Syifa Hospital in Manna, South Bengkulu Regency. After being taken to the hospital, he said, the hospital stated that the two victims died before arriving at the hospital and were thought to have been caused by cooking machines. "The engine explosion is thought to have been caused by overheated pipe pressure on the boiled machine," he said. Because, before the engine occurs, the engine is in good condition and routine maintenance is carried out every year, and for 2022 maintenance it is planned to be carried out by the end of the year. It is known, PT SBS started operating in 2014 and as a result of the explosion, the operational activities of the PT SBS factory stopped completely.

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