
JAKARTA - The trial process for the premeditated murder case of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J and obstruction of justice will continue next week.

Based on data from the South Jakarta District Court, the first trial to be held was the defendant Bharada Richard totaling alias E. agenda, examination of witnesses.

"The trial starts at 09.30 WIB. With the examination scene of 12 witnesses on Tuesday, October 25," said Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court, Djuyamto when confirmed, Friday, October 21.

The next day, the trial will be held for Ferdy Sambo and six other defendants. Irfan Widyanto with the public prosecutor's (JPU) response agenda for the exception.

Then, the defendants were Strong Ma'ruf, Bripka Ricky Rizal Wibowo, Putri Candrawathi, and Ferdy Sambo with an agenda of interim decisions.

Then, the defendants Chuck Putranto and Baiquni Wibowo with the agenda of submitting a memorandum of objection or exception

Meanwhile, the trial for the defendants Hendra Kurniawan and Agus Nurpatra was held on Thursday, October 27. The trial was held with the agenda of hearing the testimony of witnesses from the Public Prosecutor

Finally, the trial of the defendant Arif Rachman Arifin with an objection note or exception agenda on Friday, October 28.

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