
Three teenagers with junior high school (SMP) students were arrested by the Cikande Police for carrying sharp weapons (sajam) while crossing Simpang Asem, Cikande District, Serang Regency, Thursday, October 20.

The Head of Cikande Police, Kompol Andhi Kurniawan, said that from the teenagers, officers secured a knife type.

"There is evidence of sharp weapons allegedly a sickle," Andhi said in a written statement, Thursday, October 20.

The arrest process began with reports from residents who saw a group of six teenagers using two motorbikes swiping sickles onto the asphalt of the road.

Warga sempat mengejar para pelaku. Meski sempat kehilangan jejak, namun pada akhirnya tiga pelaku berhasil diamankan.

"Getting the report, officers came to the scene. Then together with the residents they gave chase and managed to secure the three teenagers in the Jayanti - Tangerang area," he said.

Andhi added that the three teenagers who were arrested were residents of Solear District, Tangerang Regency and the three were still underage.

"From the results of our search, we confiscated a sickle and a motorbike," he explained.

Currently, the three teenagers have been detained at the Cikande Police for further questioning.

"We have secured the three teenagers along with the evidence. Currently, we have also contacted the family and the school for guidance," he concluded.

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