
SERANG Two suspects with the initials RI (20) and YI (27) were proven to have stolen a motor vehicle (curanmor) in Saketi District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. The Pandeglang Police Satreskrim who handled the case also secured a number of devices used by the perpetrators to break into the motorcycle's keyhole.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pandeglang Police, AKP Indik Rasmono, accompanied by the Head of the Pandeglang Police Resmob, Ipda Alif Komaladi, explained that the arrests of the two suspects began with reports from residents who felt they had lost their motorbikes.

Based on report number 33 at the Cimanuk Police, on October 15, 2022, officers immediately launched an investigation.

"After receiving a report from the reporter or victim, the officers immediately carried out an investigation. And on Tuesday, October 18, at 23.00, the Pandeglang Police Resmob Team pursued the perpetrator and managed to secure RI (20) in Cisata and YI (27) at his home in Saketi District. explained AKP Indik Rasmono in a written statement, Thursday, October 20.

In front of the officers, the perpetrator admitted his actions. Meanwhile, one of the perpetrators with the initials DS is on the wanted list (DPO).

"After arresting the team, the team immediately carried out developments to find the perpetrators and other evidence." said Indik.

After the arrest, continued Indik, officers secured a set of motorbike-locking tools as evidence of a crime.

"From the hands of the perpetrators, we managed to secure a red Honda Revo motorbike, 1 black Honda Scoopy motorcycle with a Nopol: A-3727-JQ used when going to steal, 1 letter T key, 4 keys, 1 key, 1 screwdriver key and 1 pass key," said Indik.

As a result of their actions, suspects YI (27) and RI (20) were subject to Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with a maximum imprisonment of 7 years.

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