
JAKARTA - The 5.0 Tourism Awareness Training Program is organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/The Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) in the Wakatobi Region, Southeast Sulawesi. The training was held for tourism actors.

Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno opened the event online. He explained through the Integrated and Sustainable Tourism Development Program (P3TB), his party took an active role in supporting the improvement and preparation of reliable and professional Menaging Resources (HR) in the tourism and creative economy, one of which was through the implementation of the 5.0 Tourism Aware Training.

To the training participants, Menparekraf hopes that this training can be one of the efforts to encourage the revival of the tourism village economy.

"I want through this training, tourist villages can continue to improve themselves in improving their skills and capacity so that they become independent tourism villages, have competitiveness, and become the locomotive of economic revival in the parekraf sector," said Sandiaga, Thursday, October 20.

As an effort to explore the potential of tourist villages so that they can be developed in order to improve the welfare of the community, it can be done by providing added value to this potential.

As stated by the Deputy for Resources and Institutions of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf)/Baparekraf,irm Mohamad Paham when opening a similar training in Lombok last week.

The added value is meant, saidAN, namely developing tourism potential so that it can not only be seen (to see), but also something that can be done (to do), studied (to learn), or purchased (to buy), so that tourism development becomes the driving force of the village economy and reduces the urbanization rate.

"Tourism villages are expected to be able to reduce community urbanization because there are many economic activities that can be created in villages," he said.

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