
The trial of the alleged fictitious credit corruption case of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) People's Credit Bank (BPR) Batukliang Branch with the defendants Agus Fanahesa and Jauhari was again held at the Mataram Corruption Crime District Court (Tipikor), Thursday, October 20.

The trial this time the Public Prosecutor (JPU) presented three personnel from the Directorate of Samapta Polda NTB who were included in the list of victims of profiteering in this case. The three are Marselinus, Putu Dirgantara, and Radit.

"Yes, I am still serving in Samapta," said Marselinus during the trial, quoted from Antara, Thursday, October 20.

When the judge asked about the impact of this case, Marselinus and his two colleagues admitted that they had lost. "My loss," he said briefly.

Marselinus also said that he knew that this issue began with an announcement during an troop rally at the Directorate of Samapta Polda NTB.

"At that time, we were collected, it was announced that there was a bad credit problem at BPR," he said.

Marselinus and his two colleagues, Putu Dirgantara and Radit, admitted that they were confused by the announcement. "We have never applied for credit at BPR, why did we collect it," he said.

Marselinus just found out that he was the victim of profiteering at the BPR when applying for a loan from Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI).

BRI refused because the name Marselinus was identified as being included in the fifth point list at Bank Indonesia (BI) Checking, which means that credit arrears have not been completed.

"At that time I really knew that after applying for a loan I was refused because there was a credit arrears," he said.

Disclosured Cases

The prosecutor in his indictment explained that the fictitious credit case at the NTB BPR Batukliang Branch emerged from arrears in payments.

The arrears were revealed due to the profiteering of the names of 199 members of the Ditsamapta Polda NTB with a loss of Rp. 2.38 billion.

The prosecutor also emphasized that the mastermind behind this fictitious credit case was the former Financial Affairs Administration Officer of the Sabhara Directorate of the NTB Police, I Made Sudarmaya.

Sudarmaya, who is now known to be serving at the Bima City Police, is said to be the party enjoying a loan of IDR 2.38 billion. The loan value was recorded in credit applications for the 2014 to 2017 period.

During the trial, Suhartono, the defendant Jauhari's attorney, asked the panel of judges to present Sudarmaya who was the mastermind behind this case. According to him, it is important for Sudarmaya to be presented in court to be confronted with the statements of witnesses.

"We ask the panel of judges to present Sudarmaya. We want the facts in this trial to be clearly revealed," Suhartono said.

However, the Panel of Judges chaired by I Ketut Somanasa responded by stating that the trial would continue in accordance with the prosecutor's indictment. The panel of judges only stated that the defendant's request to confront Sudarmaya with the witness would be included in the consideration of the verdict.

"Later, we will consider who deserves to bear the compensation for state losses," he said.

The two defendants in this case are Jauhari as Account Officer of BPR NTB Batukliang Branch and Agus Fanahesa as Head of Marketing for BPR Batukliang Branch.

Both were charged with Article 2 paragraph 1 and/or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 paragraph 1 letter b of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

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