
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo checked SD Negeri 03 Sugihan, Tengaran District, Semarang Regency, after receiving a letter from one of the students regarding the damaged condition of the school building in several parts. "Yesterday someone wrote a letter to me, the point is that if I look at the language of the letter, how come it's scary, please help us, I think the school is really bad. It turns out that it's not too bad, but I checked that there were indeed some damaged facilities," said Ganjar when met at SDN 3 Sugihan, Semarang Regency, Antara, Thursday, October 20. Regarding several damaged school facilities, Ganjar ensured that they would immediately be repaired because the Semarang Regency Government had prepared a budget. However, there are other problems that must be resolved, namely related to the electricity network. "The electricity network hasn't come in yet, I think it needs to be helped for this one. Then the facility if every test is difficult later we try to help several laptops so that they can help smooth things out," he said. When checking the school, Ganjar entered the classes there and in one of the classes finally met Mitha Aryani, a student who was very brave to write a letter. That courage also made Ganjar happy because from an early age the children had been taught to be confident in expressing opinions. "I'm happy because his son is brave. I asked who wrote the letter, I sir, it turned out that his son was really brave. I think that's a good part, yes, to make self-confidence children dare to express opinions, not be afraid, so that children in the context of education are not only knowledge they get but their development is obtained," he said. Mitha admitted that she was very happy that the letter she wrote could reach the number one person in Central Java and be able to meet in person. "I'm very happy to be able to meet Pak Ganjar, very happy. I wrote a letter two weeks ago, I wrote it myself. I'm happy because Pak Ganjar said the toilet will be renovated, repaired again, and the internet will also be installed," he said. He revealed that the letter, which was written hand on a piece of paper, contained a story and hoped that the school would be repaired, renovated, and had complete facilities so that it was not inferior to other schools, including damaged toilets and electricity networks that were still riding from residents' homes. "The contents of the letter want the school to be repaired, renovated, yes, to complete the facilities at the school. The bathroom is damaged, the field continues. The letter is addressed to Pak Ganjar because the person is fun, friendly, kind," said the student who aspired to become a doctor. Meanwhile, the Head of SDN 03 Sugihan, Septina Ika Kadarsih, said that the arrival of Ganjar Pranowo to school was very important because at least what students wanted about the lack of facilities was met a little. "Alhamdulillah, the lack of facilities here was a little fulfilled. From the laptop that Pak Ganjar gave us, God willing, it will be very useful for our school. So for the exam, we will no longer borrow from other schools or teacher's personal facilities," he said. He also emphasized that the letter received by Ganjar was actually written by his students and the school only facilitated that the letter could be sent and reached Governor Ganjar Pranowo. "The children submitted a written letter to us, so we facilitate it to be sent to Pak Ganjar because the children here are not used to social media, used to manual letters," he said.

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