
JAKARTA - The defendant, Ferdy Sambo left the South Jakarta District Court (PN) after undergoing a follow-up trial in the murder case of Brigadier J with an agenda of reading the response to the exception of the indictment.

It is known that Ferdy Sambo entered the courtroom at 10.21 WIB. He entered while carrying a black book. Then at 11.02 Ferdy Sambo left the courtroom. Only 41 minutes Ferdy Sambo is running today's trial.

Then, Ferdy Sambo came out wearing the prosecutor's prison vest number 01 and was handcuffed in iron.

The former Head of the Propam Police Division was taken to the detention waiting room. Not long after, he was immediately put into Brimob's tactical car and taken to the Mako Brimob Detention Center, Depok, West Java.

The prosecutor asked the panel of judges to reject the exception or memorandum of objection filed by the defendant Ferdy Sambo on charges of the alleged murder of Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

The request was made after the Public Prosecutor finished reading the response regarding Ferdy Sambo's exception.

"Rejected all arguments of exception or memorandums of objection from the legal counsel for the defendant Ferdy Sambo," said the prosecutor during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Thursday, October 20.

In addition, in its response, the prosecutor also asked the panel of judges to accept the indictment that had been prepared and fulfilled the formal and material elements. The indictment has also been registered with the number PDM-246/JKTSL/10/2022, dated October 5, 2022.

"Declaring that the examination of the defendant Ferdy Sambo will continue," said the prosecutor.

Then, the prosecutor also asked the panel of judges to decide that Ferdy Sambo would still be detained. Originally, the former Head of the Propam Police Division was detained at the Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua detention center, Depok.

"Stating that Ferdy Sambo remains in custody," said the prosecutor.

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