JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono ensured that there were no more cases of public infrastructure and facilities handling officers (PPSU) being used as drivers to the management of the village head's private home in Jakarta.
Heru said this after he briefed the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government, yesterday. At that time, Heru highlighted the case in front of the village heads, sub-district heads, mayors, and officials of the DKI regional work unit (SKPD).
"Yesterday I said, things like that should no longer exist. They returned to work as before. If 60 people (PPSU in one village) in the field, 60 people in the field," Heru told reporters, Wednesday, October 19.
Heru emphasized that he had ordered all mayors to ensure that these irregularities were not repeated. So, all PPSU can focus on working in the field according to their duties.
"There is definitely none. Later, the mayor (who will re-examine)," said Heru.
Yesterday, Heru Budi Hartono admitted that he knew there were unscrupulous lurah officers who made parasarana and public facilities (PPSU) officers his personal driver.
Heru received this information from a complaint from one of the PPSUs that he did not mention from which village. Heru got this information while still working in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government a few years ago. However, Heru believes this case is still happening today.
"The one who complained is the PPSU. I hope that if I become a Acting Officer, I will know. But this is a story for the father (the lurah) so that you don't do it. I don't want to mention the head of the village. I am (this case) still there," said Heru at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Tuesday, October 18.
Heru emphasized that this treatment was not justified because PPSU worked to clean the environment and not to become the lurah's personal employee.
Therefore, Heru requested that all village heads in Jakarta not follow the cases he mentioned and that there are no more lurah people who employ PPSU outside of their duties. He will also check in the field to ensure that there are no more similar cases.
"PPSU should not be your staff. Sorry, don't be a driver, like to bring newspapers. The contract is for PPSU. Please, yes (start) tomorrow. I'll go around the village later," said Heru.
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