
JAKARTA - Ukraine's foreign minister said on Tuesday he submitted a proposal to President Volodymyr Zelensky to formally cut diplomatic ties with Tehran regarding a wave of Russian attacks that are said to be using Iranian-made drones.

Russia launched dozens of 'kamikaze' drones on target in Ukraine on Monday, attacking energy infrastructure and killing several civilians.

Ukraine said the attack was carried out with an Iranian-made Shahed-136 drone. Meanwhile, Tehran again denied supplying drones to Ukraine.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Kyiv was confident in Iran's involvement and was ready to distribute "a pocket of evidence" to European powers in doubt.

"It is herd to assume full responsibility for the destruction of relations with Ukraine," Foreign Minister Kuleba told a news conference.

"I submitted to the President of Ukraine a proposition to cut diplomatic ties with Iran," he said.

Furthermore, Foreign Minister Kuleba said he had urged the European Union to impose sanctions on Iran "for helping Russia kill Ukrainian citizens."

"Heavy sanctions against Iran are currently very relevant, as we watch reports of Iran's intention to provide Russian ballistic missiles for use against Ukraine," he explained.

"Iran's actions are heinous and deceptive. We will not allow them to suffer, because all these actions were carried out while Iran has told us that it does not support war and will not support any party with their weapons," he stressed.

Foreign Minister Kuleba said Kyiv would send official records to Israel seeking immediate air defense and cooperation supplies in the sector. There was no immediate Israeli response to Kuleba's remarks.

Earlier on Tuesday, a member of Israel's decision-making security cabinet, Justice Minister Gideon Saar, told national radio broadcaster Army Radio: "Our support for Ukraine does not include weapons and weapons systems, there is no change in that position."

It is known that despite condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine and providing humanitarian assistance to Kyiv, Israel has not yet provided military support, citing concerns over continued cooperation with Moscow regarding Syria.

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