
As many as 6 foreign nationals (WNA) from Bangladesh were secured by the Class I Special Immigration Non TPI South Jakarta. They were arrested for alleged violations of visas that did not comply with the proposed permit. Head of the Immigration Office Felicia Sengky Ratna said the 6 foreigners were AAN, MD AH, ZH, MD SI, AAZ, MD EA.

Feluia explained, this arrest began with a public report about the existence of 6 foreigners who gathered at one of the apartments in the South Jakarta area.

Based on the report, his party followed up and finally arrested the 6 Bangladeshi foreigners.

"We are following up on which 6 foreigners live in apartments in the South Jakarta area," said Sengky at the South Jakarta Immigration office, Tuesday, October 18.

Sengky revealed that one person with the initials AAN turned out to have an investor visa. While the rest only have a visit permit visa.

"5 people have visit visas. But (the 5 foreigners) will also propose investors whose whereabouts are sponsored by PT ATI," he said.

In addition, Sengky explained, based on the statements of the perpetrators, they came to Indonesia, because there were other parties who arranged it.

Ajakan dan dikoordinir oleh seorang Warga Negara Bangladesh berinisial MAH yang merupakan Direktur Utama PT ATI, jelasnya.

"We have summoned MAH but the person concerned is currently not in Indonesian territory. We checked the location, it turned out that the company was not operational," he continued.

Foreigners with the initials AAN are subject to Article 123 letter (a) of Law No. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration and 5 other people are charged with Article 122 letter (a) of Law No. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration.

"To those concerned, because there are no more parties or sponsors who guarantee their whereabouts and also because they have been proven to have violated immigration, then to these 6 people we will take Immigration Administrative Actions in the form of deportation," he concluded.

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