
JAKARTA - The failure to brake is the cause of the accident of Pertamina's successive fuel tank truck (BBM) with a number of motorized vehicles, on Jalan Transyogi, Cibubur, some time ago.

"Drivers feel that the brakes are not standard enough, because the brake camp is already thin, so the pressure air supply in the tube is below the threshold. So, the driver is not strong enough to brake," said Acting Head of the Traffic Accident Investigation Sub Committee for Jalan KNKT, Ahmad Wildan during a press conference in Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 18, quoted from Antara.

Wildan explained that the truck was on a slow lane and on the left side there was a fairly high sidewalk when the accident occurred.

Meanwhile, the driver experienced panic when he saw several cars in front of him because he was carrying 24 thousand liters of Pertalite fuel. As a result, the truck hit two cars because the driver could not control it.

"When it hit two cars, the truck didn't stop. The driver also experienced extraordinary panic because the cargo being carried was flammable fuel, while the left side was a fairly high sidewalk which if slammed to the left the risk of the vehicle exploding and rolling over," said Wildan.

Wildan said that the steps taken by the driver when he was on the slow lane were right. However, when the driver directed the steering to the fast lane back to be able to escape the two cars that were hit, it became a fatal act.

This is because the number of vehicles being hit has increased, including several motorbikes waiting for traffic lights.

"The driver reflexively swerved the steering to the right, to get rid of the vehicle he hit. However, it turned out that in the right lane there was a crowd of vehicles so the collision was unavoidable," added Wildan.

Wildan also revealed, in general, that there were two causes of the failure to brake.

First, the pressure air drop was triggered by a leak in the additional solenoid valve. Second, due to damage in the form of a "travel stroke" in the brake camp.

These two things make the driver brake repeatedly when dealing with traffic disturbances.

Previously, a fatal accident occurred on Jalan Raya Alternative Transyogi Cibubur, Bekasi, West Java, on Monday (18/7) at around 15.55 WIB.

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