
JAKARTA - Bharada's legal advisor Richard totaling Pudihang or Bharada E challenged the public prosecutor (JPU) to immediately present Ferdy Sambo Cs at the next trial.

Originally, the trial for the defendant Bharada E had been completed. Because, he decided not to file an exception or a memorandum of objection.

"In accordance with the fast principle of justice, we ask the noble through the prosecutor to present witnesses named Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, Ricky Rizal Wibowo, and Strong Ma'ruf," said Bharada E's lawyer, Ronny Talapessy in the South Jakarta District Court courtroom, Tuesday, October 18.

Responding to this, Chief Judge Wahyu Iman Santoso said the names mentioned would indeed be presented as witnesses.

However, it cannot be realized in the near future. The reason is that based on the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) the witness who will be presented first is the victim witness, namely the Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat family alias Brigadier J.

"They will continue to be witnesses and summoned to this trial but the time is not now, not soon. We will examine all witnesses from the start," said Wahyu.

At least, there are 12 witnesses from the victim's family who will be presented. They are the parents and lovers of Brigadier J.

"The public prosecutor, so for the trial next Tuesday we decided that the 12 witnesses were in the witness BAP, there were Kamaruddin Simanjuntak, Samuel Hutabarat, Rosti Simanjuntak, Mareza Rizki, Yuni Artika Hutabarat, Devianita Hutabarat, Novitasari Nadea, Simanjuntak Spirit, Sangga Parulian, Roslin Emika Simanjuntak, Indrawanto Pasaribu, and finally Vera Mareta Simanjuntak," Wahyu said.

For information, Bharada Richard totaling Pudihang or Bharada E is one of the suspects in the murder case of Brigadier J. He is said to be the shooter.

In this case, the Public Prosecutor charged Richard totaling Pudihang Lumiu with the primary indictment of Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

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