
JAKARTA - Defendant Richard totaling or Bharada E underwent the first trial of Brigadier J's murder at the South Jakarta District Court (PN), Tuesday, October 18, at 10.00 WIB. While undergoing trial, Bharada E came a number of women. What's wrong?

Apparently, apart from being accompanied by the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK), Bharada E also received support from his fans named

The representative Dea from admitted that a group of people came to the South Jakarta District Court to support Bharada E in facing his inaugural trial.

"So when we found out that the suspect was immediately named a suspect, there were a lot of all of Indonesia who respected him. We don't know, what happened, just support him so that he can be released," said Dea at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, October 18.

Dea gave support because Bharada E is in his hometown with him. Therefore, Dea hopes that Ferdy Sambo's subordinates can be free from entanglement.

"Richard is in the same village as me, so together from Manado we respect if for example he wants to be honest. That's all, for justice," he said.

"Our hope is that he can be free but it's up to how God wills," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that the South Jakarta District Court (PN) held an inaugural trial for Bharada E regarding the murder case of Brigadier J. The trial scheduled an indictment at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, October 18.

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