
JAKARTA - The atmosphere ahead of Bharada E's inaugural trial at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) looks deserted. Unlike the Ferdy Sambo trial, Monday, October 17. However, the media crews continue to monitor the proceedings of the trial both from within and outside the room guarded by police officers.

Pantauan VOI, Selasa, 18 Oktober, pukul 08.30 WIB, halaman PN Jaksel tidak betu diseruh pengunjung. Berbeda dengan sidang Ferdy Sambo kemarin dimana awak media banyak berkumpul di luar, dan bahkan hadir salah satu ormas yang mendukung jalannya sidang Ferdy Sambo kemarin.

This trial presented Bharada E. The presence of Bharada E was accompanied by the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

Bharada E arrived at the South Jakarta District Court in a detention car from the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office. The prisoner's car did not descend Bharada E in the court area. Instead, it was immediately put into the waiting room of the South Jakarta District Court detention.

Bharada E came in a white shirt, wrapped in a prison vest at the Prosecutor's Office. His hands were handcuffed.

Before Bharada E arrived, a number of members of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) arrived early. Their arrival was to accompany Bharada E, who is a justice collaborator (JC).

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