
As many as 9 teenagers were suspected of being involved in a motorcycle gang were arrested by the West Jakarta Metro Police Precise Pioneer Patrol Team. Officers also secured various types of sharp weapons that would be used for brawls. The perpetrators were arrested when they were seen doing anchoring on motorbikes while carrying sharp weapons (Sajam).

West Jakarta Metro Police Head of Samapta Kompol Arief Budiharso said the perpetrators were arrested when they were in groups with their group carrying sharp weapons.

"In addition to securing 9 teenagers, we secured 4 sharp weapons in the form of sickles and machetes," said Kompol Arief Budiharso when confirmed, Monday, October 17.

Kompol Arief explained that the incident began when the pioneering team carried out regional patrols around Jalan Bhakti 4, Palmerah, West Jakarta.

"While passing through the location, the team met a group of teenagers in a convoy using a motorbike," he said.

During the examination, the teenagers tried to escape from the officers.

"At that location we found sharp weapons thrown away by teenagers when they were about to be examined," he said.

Now the teenagers have been taken to the Palmerah Police for further investigation.

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