
JAKARTA - Brigadier J's attorney, Martin Lukas Simanjuntak, visited the South Jakarta District Court (PN). He directly listened to the indictment read by the Prosecutor (JPU) regarding the murder case of his client. Lukas assessed that the charges submitted in the courtroom were relevant.

The first indictment was premeditated murder and subsidiary 338. Then the second indictment is the cyber crime Law and also the OOJ (obstruction of justice). But not a specialist, but those in the Criminal Code are articles 223 and 221," said Lukas to reporters at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, October 17.

Lukas also said that the indictment submitted by the prosecutor was very objective. Because they do not automatically accept the motives received from the police.

They are objective, they do not accept the motive immediately or simply, what was conveyed by the PC witness who claimed to have been sexually assaulted.

The South Jakarta District Court today, Monday, October 17, held a criminal trial in the shooting of Brigadier J at the Police Complex, Jalan Saguling III, South Jakarta. The defendant Ferdy Sambo, who wore a prison vest batik shirt, was presented at this hearing.

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