In The Indictment Of Ferdy Sambo, It Was Revealed What Putri Candrawathi DID When Her Husband Her Husband MET Brigadier J
Photo via VOI Sosmed Team


JAKARTA - Putri Candrawathi was in Duren Tiga when the murder process of Brigadier J was carried out by Bharada E and her husband, Ferdy Sambo. Where is Putri when her husband turns into a killer?

Ferdy Sambo was indeed the last person to kill Brigadier J. Called the bullet released by the former Head of the Propam Police Division, destroying the skull of Brigadier J.

Previously, the Clock-17 held by Bharada E had already shouted 3-4 times. Brigadier J immediately fell, lying covered in blood.

All of these things were summarized in Ferdy Sambo's indictment which was read alternately by the prosecutor at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, October 17. The murder of Brigadier J took place at the Ferdy Sambo official residence, Duren Tiga Street, No 46.

While facing in the living room near the dining table, Ferdy Sambo immediately grabbed Brigadier J's neck. He even pushed Brigadier J until he was right in front of the stairs.

Meanwhile, Strong Ma'ruf and Bharada Ricky are in a standby position. They are just in case Brigadier J fights back.

Whereas at that time, Brigadier J was not holding a weapon. It's different from those who hold a gun to a knife.

Putri is in the main room. The distance is with the location of the meeting between Ferdy Sambo and Brigadier J is less than three meters.

As soon as he arrived in the dining room, the back of Brigadier J was held hard by Ferdy Sambo.

" come on!!!" shouted Ferdy Sambo.

Then Brigadier J raised his hands as a sign of surrender. But he had time to ask Ferdy Sambo, "What is this?".

This is where the shooting order came out of Ferdy Sambo to Bharada E.

"Woy..! you shoot...! you shoot papaat!! Come on, woy, you shoot!!!" said Ferdy Sambo giving the order.

The lock-17 that Bharada E was holding immediately shouted 3-4 times. Brigadier J tirelessly immediately fell, lying covered in blood.

"The victim Nofriansyah fell and lay there was a lot of blood," said the prosecutor.

At that time Brigadier J was still alive. But in critical condition and in pain. Ferdy Sambo was even prepared to kill Brigadier J.

Armed with black gloves, he released a bullet that hit the back of the left side of the head until Brigadier J finally died.

Prosecutors explained that Ferdy Sambo's shot penetrated the back of the victim's left side of the head through the nose resulting in burns to the outer right side of the nose cup. The bullet trajectories have resulted in damage to the base bones of the skull in two places which damaged the basic bones of the right eye sphere.

After everything was done, Ferdy Sambo went into the room to meet Putri. Then took Putri out of the house while embracing her head. Meanwhile, Putri went to Ferdy Sambo's chest.

Ferdy Sambo then asked Bharada E to take Putri back to Saguling.

Calmly and as if nothing had happened, Putri, who still had time to change clothes, left Duren Tiga, which contained the body of Brigadier J.

"Even though the victim is an aide who Ferdy Sambo has long trusted to serve, accompany and escort Putri wherever she is, so that from the close relationship that has been established for a long time, the victim's death should affect Putri's inner state," said the prosecutor.

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