
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) paid a visit to Yogyakarta to meet friends while studying at Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

The meeting took place at a restaurant in the Ambarukmo area, Sleman Regency, Sunday, October 16.

Arriving at the meeting location, Jokowi immediately approached his friends.

In a video uploaded to the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Jokowi is seen greeting his friends while chatting casually. Jokowi also mentioned the issue of fake diplomas.

"This is a matter of fake diplomas. Five years of school, right, I'm sorry. Students are still complete, where have they been looking for elementary school," said Jokowi, quoted from the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Sunday, October 16.

Responding to Jokowi's words, one of his friends asked which education diplomas were in question.

"But what's wrong with high school, sir?," he replied.

"But the problem is in high school, sir, there is a double stake," said Jokowi's friend again.

Jokowi also answered that it was a government program at that time.

"It's a program, government program, as SMPP, so it's like first SMK before SMEA," said Jokowi.

The former mayor of Solo and his friend were seen showing graduation photos during college. They are holding each other for photos.

"This morning I went to Yogya, then stopped by Ambarukmo, met with my friends, students. Some were in Perhutani, some were lecturers, entrepreneurs, at the service, these were all kinds of things. When I got together today I met, but also only for a short time, not long," he said.

"(I saw) photos at graduation, some took photos at Mapala (nature lovers). I myself have lost the photos, but it turns out that my friends still keep everything complete," he continued.

One of Jokowi's college friends, Bambang recalled that the former Governor of DKI Jakarta was a disciplined person. According to Bambang, Jokowi is a person who is diligent in worship.

"That's what I remember. The person is diligent. So during college, permission was issued just to pray," said Bambang.

Not only that, Bambang also assessed that Jokowi was a unifying figure for student groups at that time.

Through the Mapala organization at its faculty, Bambang said, Jokowi united him through mountain climbing activities.

"Pak Jokowi is unifying. There used to be groups, there were HMI, GMNI, and white, but he joined forces in the Silvagama forum and continued to climb the mountain together. That's what continues to be compact," he said.

One of his other friends, Tommy, explained the nature of Jokowi from the beginning when he was a student until now, he remains the same.

He considered Jokowi to remain a wise figure and not to be easily offended when he was joking.

"Mr. Jokowi, as long as he is a student with the current condition, it's more or less the same. One, never get angry, he's wise. Even if we make a joke, it's just a joke, just joke. If you're offended, you're never angry, it's normal to advise us," said Tommy.

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