
The General Election Commission (KPU) of Yogyakarta City will carry out factual verification of nine political parties for candidates participating in the 2024 General Election who have management in the city.

"Of the 18 political parties (political parties) that passed the administrative verification by the Indonesian KPU on October 14, nine political parties will undergo factual verification in Yogyakarta City," said Yogyakarta City KPU Commissioner Erizal in Yogyakarta, Sunday, October 16.

Faktual verification will be carried out on political parties that are candidates for the 2024 General Election who pass administrative verification but do not meet the minimum parliamentary threshold requirement, which is four percent of the votes.

Meanwhile, political parties that have met the requirements do not need to undergo factual verification. All of them are political parties that have seats in parliament.

Nine political parties that will undergo factual verification in the city of Yogyakarta are PSI, Perindo, PKN, the Gelora Indonesia Party, Hanura Party, Ummat Party, Labor Party, Garuda Party, and PBB.

The Yogyakarta City KPU formed a team to carry out factual verification including elements of the management of political parties to membership of political parties.

Faktual verification for management is carried out by directly checking party offices according to data that has been included in the information system of political parties (Sipol).

The KPU will also match the political party management letter with the composition of the management in it.

"We will also calculate the ratio of women's management. But just calculating it, will not affect the results of the verification," he said.

As for the factual verification of political party membership, the KPU of Yogyakarta City will receive random samples of political party membership to be directly verified door to door.

"If members of the political parties cannot be found, they will be collected at the offices of each political party to be verified directly," he said.

The political party factual verification process will be carried out until November 4. "We are trying to anticipate various obstacles that arise so that the verification process can run smoothly. Especially for the verification of political party membership," he said.

Meanwhile, Yogyakarta City Bawaslu member Noor Harsya Aryo Samudro said he would supervise the process of implementing factual political party verification for prospective participants in the 2024 General Election.

The focus of supervision is to ensure that the Yogyakarta City KPU performs factual verification according to regulations, namely PKPU Number 4 of 2022 and KPU Decree Number 384 of 2022.

"Vaccination officers must ensure and match the documents of the political party management according to the decree brought by the management and pay attention to the affirmation of women in management as much as 30 percent," he said.

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