
SOLO - The candidate pair for mayor-vice mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka-Teguh Prakosa, emphasized the importance of maintaining culture in Surakarta.

“The modern city of Solo cannot stand on the ruins of the old city artifacts. "Traditional markets, art associations, art communities, cultural heritage, these are the pillars of Solo 's strength. This is a magnet for bringing tourists to Solo," said Gibran in the Solo Pilkada debate, Thursday, December 5.

According to Gibran, the son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), the future of Solo is Solo, which is built from the past. Solo continued Gibran must not lose his identity and character.

"We want a cultural approach to fight radicalism. We wish that what is now running are the gamelans that have been donated in each village. "Gamelan has not been played entirely, I discussed yesterday. In the future, we will look for teachers so that children can learn gamel," he said.

"We will touch this, we will encourage young people to have a love of belonging, have strong cultural roots. So we want a cultural approach to fight radicalism, "said Gibran in the Solo Pilkada debate.

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