
JAKARTA - After going through various stages, finally the General Election Commission (KPU) stated that the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) met the requirements in the process of verifying the factual 2024 election at the central level. "Alhamdulillah, today it went smoothly. It is very relieved because one phase has been passed. Thank you for the professionalism of KPU and Bawaslu," said General Chair Giring Ganesha, confirmed by ANTARA from Jakarta, Saturday, October 15. Giring explained, as an example, the results of verification of women's representation in the PSI DPP management reached 62.5 percent. This fulfills the Election Law rules article 173 paragraph 2 which requires 30 percent. On the other hand, KPU Commissioner RI Idham Holik said that his party had examined all data relating to the management, representation of women, to domicile, and concluded that PSI met the requirements for factual verification at the national level. "We checked all data, regarding the management, women's representative, and domicile representatives, we conclude that PSI meets the requirements at the national level," said KPU Commissioner RI Idham Holik at the Basecamp DPP PSI, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Saturday, October 15. Hadir on the same occasion, namely KPU Commissioner August Melasz and members of the Indonesian Bawaslu, Puadi. From PSI, all PSI administrators were present led by Giring Ganesha.

After this, the factual verification process will continue to the provincial and district/city levels. The final results will be announced in mid-December 2022. On Friday, October 14, the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU Hasyim Asyari stated that there were 18 political parties that were declared eligible for administrative verification. The political parties that passed the administration were the PDI-P, PKS, Perindo, NasDem, PBB, PKN, Garuda-Change Indonesia, Democrats, Indonesian People's Waves, Hanura, Gerindra, PKB, PSI, PAN, Golkar, PPP, Labor Party, and Ummat Party. Furthermore, based on the information received, the KPU scheduled factual verification of eight parties on October 15, 2022, namely Gelora, Hanura, Ummat, Garuda, PSI, PBB, Labor, and PKN. On October 16, 2022, the KPU will carry out factual verification of Perindo.

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