
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattaliti, expressed his appreciation to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who made serious improvements in the National Police institution.

LaNyalla assessed that General Sigit was firm in order to restore the dignity and image of the police which had declined in the eyes of the community.

"Apresiasi harus diberikan kepada Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo yang serius menyayakan institusi Polri. Ia bahkan bergerak cepat dalam pembenahan itu," kata LaNyalla, Sabtu 15 Oktober.

The senator from East Java said the National Police Chief did not hesitate to remove and fire members of the National Police who harmed his institution.

"The National Police must be free from people who abuse their positions and authorities. Because the Police are tasked with protecting and protecting the community. People's trust must be maintained," he said.

For this reason, LaNyalla gave support for the improvements made by General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

LaNyalla also advised the Police not to be selective in investigating cases. Because one of the public's highlights is the difference in treatment of reports submitted by the public.

"General Sigit, don't hesitate. Just relax. We will definitely support the improvements made, so that the Police will be better," he said.

LaNyalla also hopes that there will be no more cases committed or involving members of the National Police.

Recently, the sharp spotlight is being received by the National Police following various actions involving its members.

The first case was the murder of Brigadier J who involved his superior, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Not finished with this case, a chaos tragedy emerged involving a number of police officers as a result of firing tear gas into the stands.

Most recently, East Java Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa, who had only been elected for a few days to replace Inspector General Nico Afinta, was caught in a drug case. In fact, Inspector General Teddy, said LaNyalla, had not been appointed as the East Java Police Chief.

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