
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya investigators have sent a second summons for Rizieq Shihab and his son-in-law Hanif Alatas. Second summons on Monday 7 December.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus said Rizieq Shihab and Hanif Alatas would be questioned as witnesses in the case of alleged violation of the procedure for health protocol in Petamburan.

"For the summoning of the MRS and MHA we schedule Monday, December 7," said Yusri Yunus to the media crew, Jakarta, Thursday, December 3.

Thus, Yusri hopes that both of them can fulfill the second summons. Because, as good citizens, they must respect the legal process.

"We are waiting for Monday, so don't think about it. We wait for Monday, not in case. Hopefully he will come," said Yusri.

Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) lawyer, Aziz Yanuar, previously said that he had discussed plans for a second summons with investigators. It is very likely that Rizieq will not return to the summons because he is recovering.

"We have said earlier and Alhamdulillah, the investigators really understand Habib Rizieq's human and privacy in restoring his health while resting," Aziz told reporters, Tuesday, December 1.

However, he could not convey whether for this reason investigators would not cast a second summons on Thursday. The summoning of witnesses or suspects is the full right of the investigator.

"He is healthy but is on a rest period and for that they understand and understand, God willing, not (called on Thursday)," he said.

The status of the case for alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes) for the wedding ceremony of Rizieq Shihab's daughter has been upgraded from investigation to investigation.

Based on the title of the case, the police found an alleged violation of Law number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine. Currently investigators are collecting evidence that supports the alleged violation.

Investigators are looking for evidence by examining a number of witnesses. Therefore, tomorrow the Polda Metro Jaya will examine Rizieq Shihab, his son-in-law Irfan Alaydrus and the FPI Legal Division.

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