
JAKARTA - Former Secretary of NCB Interpol Indonesia, Brig. Gen. Nugroho Slamet Wibowo, said that all Joko Tjandra's data could still be seen in the red notice system even though it had been deleted since 2014.

This statement was conveyed when he was a witness in the trial of alleged gratification for the removal of red notice for the defendant Joko Tjandra.

"It can still be seen, the term is a downgrade. But it no longer shows valid data. The passport number is dead, the crossing data is not there. So it is impossible for that person to pass with a dead passport," said Slamet Wibowo in the trial at Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 3.

In fact, Wibowo reiterated that Joko Tjandra's data had been completely erased. The prosecutor in the trial again asked about Joko Tjandra's name which was deleted by system. The reason is because in 2019 Joko Tjandra's name seems to have been recorded in the red notice system.

"(Erased) It can still be seen," he said.

But even though it is still visible, Wibowo emphasized that the data could no longer be used. Because, if you want to use it must be updated regularly.

"But it can't be used anymore, because other countries certainly won't question it. Every 5 years it must be updated," he said.

In the case of alleged bribery for the removal of red notice, investigators named four people as suspects. They act as recipients and givers.

Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo were named as suspects because they were suspected of being the recipients of bribes for the removal of red notice. Meanwhile, Tommy Sumardi and Djoko Tjandra were named as suspects on suspicion of giving bribes.

Joko Tjandra was charged with paying SGD200 thousand and USD270 thousand to Inspector General Napoleon and USD 150 thousand to Brigadier General Prasetijo.

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