The three suspects in the online gambling case arrested in Cambodia have arrived in Indonesia. The National Police said they were not the Apin BK network.
"It has nothing to do with it. It's cut off (network, ed)," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Saturday, October 15.
The three online gambling suspects include Tjokro Soetrisno, Elvan Adrian Setiawan, and Ivan Tantowi. They were arrested based on a case handled by Polda Metro Jaya.
Meanwhile, Apin BK was arrested based on the development carried out by the North Sumatra Police.
Although it is said that there is no connection with the Apin BK network, the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit will continue to develop it. They will immediately be examined to find out their respective roles in the online gambling network.
"Later, a joint team from Bareskrim and from Polda Metro will develop the roles of the three suspects, who were only secured today," said Dedi.
For information, Tjokro Soetrisno, Elvan Adrian Setiawan, and Ivan Tantowi were arrested in Cambodia. They were arrested after the National Police issued a red notice.
Thus, Cambodian authorities are assisting in the arrest process.
Currently, all three have arrived in Indonesia. They were sent home by air on Friday, October 14, evening.
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