
JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) presented the former Secretary of NCB Interpol Indonesia, Brigadier General Nugroho Slamet Wibowo as a witness in the trial of alleged gratification for the removal of red notice for the accused Joko Tjandra.

During the trial, Slamet Wibowo explained that the Immigration authorities were doubtful that the information letter about Joko Tjandra's name had been deleted from the red notice system.

Slamet Wibobo's testimony began when the prosecutor questioned whether there was a response from Immigration to the letter. However, there was no response whatsoever.

"Nothing," said Slamet Wibobo in a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 3.

The prosecutor again asked whether or not Immigration had contacted the witness. Slamet Wibowo admitted that he had been contacted.

The Director General of Immigration, who was currently Reinhard Silitonga, contacted the witness to question the veracity of the letter. Because the letter was the basis for the immigration authorities to remove Joko Tjandra's name from the Enchanced Cekal System (ECS) or DPO.

"I was contacted by Inspector General of Police Reinhard Silitonga to ask whether this letter was sent by Interpol or not. Then I answered that it was sent by Interpol," he said.

When asked whether there was another discussion, Slamet Wibowo emphasized that there was no other communication.

"That's all," said Slamet.

In the case of alleged bribery for the removal of red notice, investigators named four people as suspects. They act as recipients and givers.

Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte and Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo were named as suspects because they were suspected of being the recipients of bribes for the removal of red notice. Meanwhile, Tommy Sumardi and Joko Tjandra were named as suspects on suspicion of giving bribes.

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