
YOGYAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, has alerted a 24-hour quick reaction team to anticipate hydrometeorological disasters, especially in five sub-districts that have the potential for landslides. Head of BPBD Gunungkidul Purwono said that currently entering the rainy season with moderate to high intensity, it has the potential to cause fallen trees, floods, and landslides. "For this reason, we have alerted a 24-hour quick reaction team that will deal with disasters," he said in Gunungkidul, Antara, Friday, October 14. Based on a study of disaster risk during the rainy season, especially extreme weather, there are five kepanewon/sub-districts that are included in landslide-prone areas, namely Patuk, Gedangsari, Nglipar, Ngawen, and Semin. "The five of them are prone to landslides during the rainy season because they are cloudy in the hills. In addition, based on previous landslides that occurred in the area," he said. He said the hydrometeorological disaster was not just a landslide. BPBD also determined several manatewons that could potentially occur in floods and tornadoes. Flood-prone areas of Kapanewon Playen, especially Banyusoca and Kapanewon Wonosari sub-districts, while they are prone to tornadoes in Semanu and Paliyan. Head of the Prevention, Rehabilitation Preparedness and Reconstruction Section of the Gunungkidul BPBD, Agus Wibowo, said that currently BPBD is maximizing the existence of the Gunungkidul Regency BPBD Rapid Response Team (TRC) to overcome potential disasters. "We already have a TRC BPBD post in Gunungkidul Regency which is on standby 24 hours for seven days. If the situation is still under control, such as a house collapsing, we can handle the fire in a sense with fellow volunteers, so the term has not yet asked for the mobilization of volunteers in Gunungkidul," he said. BPBD Gunungkidul will optimize the existence of a disaster-resilient village (destana) in anticipation of hydrometeorological disasters. The number of destinations in Gunungkidul 79 is among 144 local villages. "We maximize the destination in dealing with the potential for this hydrometeorological disaster," he said.

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