
The PDI-P (PDIP) said that reforming the national legal system must be the vision and mission of the presidential candidate (candidate) that it will carry in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

This reason made PDIP hold a discussion entitled 'Reform the National Legal System' and presented the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD. This activity was carried out at the PDIP DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta.

"The party wants to prepare itself as well as possible, so that what we discuss is part of the vision-mission of presidential and vice-presidential candidates that will be promoted by the PDI-P," said Hasto in a discussion, Thursday, October 13.

Hasto said that PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri always prioritizes the legal process. During the New Order, for example, the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia asked his party cadres to fight injustice in a way that was recognized by law, not by unconstitutional means.

"In the past, someone protested, didn't they choose the legal method, namely the judge, the police, all prosecutors were quasi by Mr. Harto? Mrs. Mega said, 'we sue in 226 districts. During the 226 districts, there was not a single judge, even prosecutors, even the police have the eyes of the heart, conscience?'," said Hasto.

"So that is the legal culture built in the PDI-P. We do not recognize thuggery in the PDI-P, all are in legal order. We do not use power in legal means. We are in power in 2019, our increase is 1 percent. We take good care of Mrs. Mega's direction, not using power in the context of parties and practical politics. (Votion of votes, ed) We (PDIP, ed) rose 1 percent while in 2009 there was an increase of 300 percent," explained Hasto.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Law and Human Rights who is also the Chair of the PDIP DPP Yasona Laoly explained the main purpose of the discussion. He said that until now, Indonesia is still faced with the fact that the national legal system has not been able to fulfill state promises.

"We still don't have a national legal system that is really Pancasila-based. There are still many regulations that are obsolete and not adaptive to the times, there are many institutional structures that open up opportunities for violations due to weak checks and balance systems and the legal culture of Indonesian society which are biased by widespread ignorance of the law," said Yasona.

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