
JAKARTA - The East Jakarta City Government will operate 15 Maju Bersama Parks (TMB) spread across 10 sub-districts. Various supporting facilities for the general public have been prepared by the Timus Jakarta City Parks and Forests Sub-dept. after being inaugurated by the Governor of DKI, Anies Baswedan.

"With the addition of 15 TMBs, the number of TMBs in the East Jakarta area now reaches 37 TMBs. All of them are equipped with various attractive and unique facilities for Jakarta residents," said Head of East Jakarta City Parks and Forests Sub-dept., Djauhar Arifin, Thursday, October 13.

Of the 37 TMBs, 15 TMBs were built and treated by the East Jakarta City Parks and Forests Sub-Department. The rest were built and maintained by the Office.

According to Djauhar, the 15 TMBs built by the Sub-Department have varied budgets.

"The range is around Rp. 1.5 to Rp. 4 billion, depending on the area of the land," he said.

There are quite a lot of facilities in 15 TMBs. Among them are monitoring areas, children play ground, multi-functional fields, outdoor fitness, theater amphi, various types of protective trees and so on.

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