
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency carried out an extension of traffic engineering on Jalan R. E. Martadinata, precisely around the seesaw bridge. There is work on making the Ancol Sentiong Pump on Jalan R. E. Martadinata.

"The work, which was originally planned for January 1, 2022, to September 30, 2022, will be from October 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023," said Head of DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Syafrin Liputo in his statement, Thursday, October 13.

This traffic engineering is carried out according to the preparation of the work. First, there is the work of installing pipelines for connecting pipelines on seesaw bridges, designing, ground beam, installing pipes, hoarding (finishing cor).

Second, the construction of the Ancol Sentiong pump house. The Ancol Sentiong pump house runway is based on R. E. Martadinata Street on the North side.

"During the work, traffic from the west or Jalan Gunung Sahari to the east or Tanjung Priok and Sunter was diverted through Jalan Ancol Timur-Jembatan Ketel/PLTU-Jalan R. E. Martadinata, and so on," explained Syafrin.

Meanwhile, Jalan Ancol Timur on the south side can only access the Ancol Karnnaval Gate because it is used for material mobilization and land transportation.

Furthermore, there is also a work segment of the Toll Harbor Road 2. Syafrin explained, the work on Jalan RA Martadinata on the south side of 2 lanes, during the traffic work from the direction of Tanjung Priok towards Pluit was diverted through Jalan RA Martadinata on the north side.

"During the work, traffic was carried out from Jalan Sunter Permai/JIS towards Tanjung Priok and turned left to Jalan RA Martadinata, the North side turned around at the Ancol Rock Bridge continuously to the Ketel Bridge and turned left to Tanjung Priok," explained Syafrin.

The safety and security of road users who cross this work is the responsibility of PT. Wika-Jaya Construction KSO as the executor of the Ancol Sentiong pump construction work on Jalan R. E. Martadinata.

"We urge road users to avoid these roads and be able to adjust the traffic arrangements set, obey traffic signs, instructions from officers in the field and prioritize road safety," he added.

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