
JAKARTA - Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Kuching provides protection for 10 Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) who have problems related to their work in Sarawak, Malaysia.

"We provide protection for Indonesian citizens who have this problem. We are working with the police and Immigration in Sarawak Malaysia, especially related to their rights and repatriation process to the country," said Indonesian Consul General Kuching, Raden Sigit Witjaksono, who was contacted by Antara in Entikong, Wednesday, October 11.

Sigit mengatakan sebanyak 10 orang PMI itu melarikan diri dari tempat kerja karena tidak mendapatkan salaries di salah satu ladang perkebunan di Serawak.

In addition to work issues, he said, the PMIs were stumbled upon problems with immigration documents and work provisions. Therefore, he said, the 10 PMIs received protection, including fighting for their rights.

He said the 10 PMIs consisted of two men, six women, and two toddlers aged two years and 1 month were sent home together with their mother.

Separately, the Coordinator of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Service Post, Sanggau Sutan Ahmad Rido Harahap, said that most of the repatriated or repatriated Indonesian citizens came from Sulawesi, West Kalimantan, and West Nusa Tenggara.

After collecting data at the Entikong PLBN, as many as 10 PMIs were returned to their respective areas of origin.

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