JAKARTA - The increase in subsidized fuel prices (BBM) has actually affected the budget allocation of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in the 2022 APBD.
This was revealed in the discussion of the General Policy for Changes in Budget and Temporary Budget Priority Ceiling (KUPA-PPAS) for the Revised APBD in 2022.
For example, the budget for the determination of the 2022 DKI Provincial Government which was discussed in Commission B of the DKI DPRD was initially Rp. 10.4 trillion. Then, in the amendment to the KUPA-PPAS draft, it was Rp. 10.8 trillion.
In the discussion with Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, the budget ceiling for the DKI Regional Work Unit (SKPD) to meet their needs for activities became thicker.
The chairman of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Ismail, explained that the shift in the budget allocation amount was also a direct consequence of Governor Regulation Number 47 of 2022 concerning Adjustments to Increased fuel prices.
The last one is the regulation of Pergub number 47 of 2022 whose big theme is an adjustment to the impact of the increase in fuel so that we saw earlier from the budget posture there were a number of shifts, both additions and reductions, Ismail said in his statement, quoted on October 12.
Therefore, Ismail asked the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to optimize activities as well as absorb the planned budget in this year's APBD changes.
“ This is nearing the end of the 2022 fiscal year, so whatever we have planned and we show it, we must both maximize the achievement, ” said Ismail.
Based on information from the DKI Provincial Government, the discussion of the 2022 draft KUPA-PPAS budget for changes has undergone four changes.
The first budget shift accommodates changes to the DKI UMP. Second, there is an allocation of income improvement allowances (TPP) at a salary of 13 which has not yet been budgeted.
Then the third change occurred due to food subsidies. Changes occurred because when the determination was only budgeted until September. Currently, food subsidies are added until December.
Then, the fourth change occurred because it adjusted to the direction of the President and the Central Government that with the increase in fuel, there needed to be a transportation subsidy and also a food subsidy.
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