
JAKARTA - South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi conducted a walking patrol to prevent brawls in Manggarai Village, Tebet, which has often occurred recently. He even plans to pray Friday at the Manggarai mosque to take a closer look at the people of Manggarai.

"Friday (October 13) tomorrow I will pray Friday here, yesterday at RW 4, Friday in RW 12, maybe I will patrol the streets, that's what I have in mind," said Ade, Thursday, October 12.

Ade stated that it was his priority to maintain security in his area, including Manggarai Village, which had formed an anti-brawl team.

Moreover, he added, his party will really try to remove the negative labels that were carried out by a handful of people in the area.

In addition to patrols carried out by his staff every day, the South Jakarta Metro Police also formed an anti-brawl team guarding two monitoring posts near the Manggarai Station tunnel.

The team consisted of representatives of 10 people from 12 RWs under the guidance of babinsa, babinkamtibmas, and kelurahan.

Ade also added that he would activate a number of hidden cameras (CCTV) to tighten supervision to prevent brawls.

Ade also allowed the mass media to spread his cell phone number and advised residents to call number 110 if they needed police assistance.

Ade hopes that his activeness as a law enforcer can make South Jakarta City better.

"Rekan-rekan juga bisa menyebarkan nomor handphone saya atau masyarakat yang membutuhkan bantuan polisi bisa menghubungi 110 itu gratis luas," ujarnya pula.

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