
JAKARTA - Menteng PPSU officers are still struggling to drain the water that inundated the Bandaran HI area, Jalan MH Thamrin, Gondangdia Village, Menteng, Central Jakarta until Tuesday, October 11, afternoon.

One of the PPSU officers from Gondangdia Village who was reluctant to mention his name said that this puddle had been going on since 12.00 WIB, with a height of approximately 40 cm.

"About (water puddles) from 12.00 WIB, the drain is starting. (water from water) is from the pipe," he told reporters, Tuesday, October 11.

As a result of the puddle, the flow of vehicle traffic seems to be starting to experience congestion. Meanwhile, the relevant officers are still struggling to drain the water that inundated the HI Roundabout area.

Previously, it was reported that puddles occurred in the HI Roundabout area, Gondangdia Village, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 11. However, the puddle did not interfere with the access of vehicles passing through the area.

The Menteng sub-district head, Suprayogi, confirmed that there was a puddle caused by a leak from a water pipe around the area.

"Due to the leakage of PDAM's pipe," said Suprayogi when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, October 11.

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