
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned the witness of a Madrasah Tsanawiyah teacher in Tanjungkarang, Bandarlampung, in an investigation into the alleged bribery case that ensnared the inactive Lampung University Chancellor, Karomani (KRM). The summons was made in the investigation into the alleged bribery case of accepting new student candidates from Unila in 2022. "The investigation was carried out at the Corruption Eradication Commission Office on behalf of Tugiyo, a teacher of the Tanjungkarang MTsN," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, October 11. The KPK has named four suspects consisting of three as recipients of bribes, namely Karomani (KRM), Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unila, Heryandi (HY), and Chairman of the Unila Senate, Muhammad Basri (MB). While the bribe giver is the private party Andi Desfiandi (AD). In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that the KRM, which serves as the Chancellor of Unila for the 2020-2024 period, has the authority regarding the Mandiri Exclusion mechanism for entering Lampung University (Simanila) for the 2022 Academic Year. During the Simanila process, the KPK suspected that KRM was actively involved in determining graduation by ordering HY, the Head of the Planning and Public Relations Bureau of Unila, Budi Sutomo, and MB to select "personal" related to the ability of students' parents. If you want to pass, prospective students can be "assisted" by handing over an amount of money, in addition to the official money paid according to the specified mechanism to the university. In addition, KRM is also suspected of providing special roles and tasks for HY, MB, and Budi Sutomo to collect a sum of money agreed with the parents of new student candidates. The amount of money varies from Rp. 100 million to Rp. 350 million for each parent of the selection participant who wants to be smoothed out. All the money collected by KRM through Mualimin as a lecturer from the parents of the prospective student amounted to Rp603 million and had been used for KRM's personal needs of around Rp575 million. The KPK also found a sum of money received by KRM through Budi Sutomo and MB from the parents of prospective students who were smoothed out by KRM on the orders of KRM. The money has been transferred in the form of deposit savings, gold bars, and is still stored in cash with a total of around IDR 4.4 billion.

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