
JAKARTA - Hasil perkembangan pemeriksaan terhadap lima orang yang diamankan terkait praktik judi online, Kapolsek Cengkareng Kompol Ardhie Demastyo menyebut bahwa lima orang tersebut merupakan karyawan IT.

"So they are IT employees. At first they were looking for work at Ollx, they continued to be offered IT. But at first they didn't know that this was an online gambling site," said Kompol Ardhie when confirmed, Monday, October 10.

The five people are tasked with promoting online gambling sites to all public cellphones.

"Their job is to advertise online gambling sites. For example, if we open Google or applications, gambling sites often appear. Well, he's the role so that the site advertises on our cellphones," he said.

The five people have only worked in online gambling sites as IT for almost a month.

"It's only been a month since I've worked," he said.

Previously, the Cengkareng Police raided an online gambling headquarters shophouse in Taman Palem, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Saturday, October 8, last night. The police caught five operators of online gambling applications operating an online gambling site.

Police also secured some PC tools and computers that were still wrapped and hidden in suitcases.

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