
JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) reported that a tectonic earthquake with a magnitude (M) of 5.3 in the Pandeglang Southeast Beach area, Banten, Sunday afternoon, was a shallow earthquake due to plate subduction. Acting Head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center Daryono said the epicenter of the earthquake was located at coordinates 7.01 ° LS 106.07° BT, or precisely located at sea at a distance of 22 km southwest of Bayah, Banten at a depth of 47 km. "By taking into account the location of the epicenter and the depth of the hypocenter, the earthquake that occurred was a shallow type of earthquake due to plate subduction activity," Daryono said as quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 9. Daryono said the results of the analysis of the source mechanism showed that the earthquake had a downward oblique movement mechanism (normal oblique). Gempa bumi ini berdampak dan dirasakan di daerah Kabupaten Sukabumi dengan skala intensitas III-IV MMI (Kalau pada siang masih dirasakan oleh orang banyak dalam rumah), daerah Bayah, Sukabumi, Sagaranten, Cianjur, Panggarangan, Cipta gelar, Malingping, Cihara, Cibeber, dan Cilograng dengan skala intensitas III MMI (Getar dirasakan dalam rumah. There was a vibration as if a truck was passing), the Citeko and Cisarua areas with an intensity scale of II-III MMI (The vibration was felt real in the house). (Feeling as if a truck was passing), the Pangandaran, Ciputat, Parung Panjang, Pandeglang, Majasari, Serang, Sabarna, Tamanjaya, Ujung Kulon, Merak, Tangerang, Jakarta, and Depok areas with an intensity scale of II MMI (The vibration was felt by several people, light objects that were hung swayed). Daryono said the modeling results showed that the earthquake did not have the potential for a tsunami. As of 17.35 WIB, the results of BMKG monitoring have not shown any aftershock activity. BMKG appealed to the public to remain calm and not be influenced by issues that cannot be justified. In order to avoid cracked or damaged buildings caused by the earthquake. Check and make sure the building where you live is earthquake-resistant enough, or there is no damage due to earthquake vibrations that endanger the stability of the building before you return home. Make sure official information only comes from BMKG which is distributed through verified official communication channels (Instagram/Twitter @infoBMKG), website ( or, telegram channel ( or via Mobile Apps (IOS and Android): wrs-bmkg or infobmkg.

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