
JAKARTA - Natural disasters that began with heavy rains accompanied by strong winds often occurred in the last few weeks in Indonesia. The impact not only befell residents' houses and public infrastructure in the form of roads to houses of worship, but also school buildings.

In Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), the Education Office (Disdik) said schools that stand on the coast and watersheds or watersheds are the most prone to being affected by hydrometeorological disasters.

"Schools on the coast and river flows that cross the city of Mataram," said Mataram City Disdik Head Yusuf Zain in Mataram, NTB, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 9.

For this reason, Yusuf ensured that students, both elementary and junior high school levels, would be prioritized to obtain a disaster mitigation recognition program from his party in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

Yusuf said the disaster mitigation recognition program was carried out by the Head of the Mataram Disdik before. However, for this year, the activity is planned to be resumed.

However, Yusuf admitted that it was still a discourse. Because the date and agenda for disaster education activities will still be coordinated first with relevant stakeholders.

"We will immediately coordinate with BPBD for flood disasters, earthquakes, including the Fire Department (Damkar), to prepare for activity time," he said.

Based on data from the Mataram City BPBD, Yusuf said, Mataram City is one of 10 districts/cities in NTB that have six types of disasters out of 10 types of disasters that often occur in NTB.

In addition to earthquakes accompanied by tsunamis, other disasters that threaten the Mataram City area are floods, residential fires, social conflicts, coastal waves, and abrasion.

"For this reason, students also need to get information related to various potential disasters that usually occur during the rainy season and we must anticipate extreme weather," he added.

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