
BABEL - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bangka Regency appealed to residents to anticipate natural disasters that began with heavy rain accompanied by strong winds by cutting large trees around their homes.

"I hope that if there are large and prone trees around the residents' houses that fall should be cut immediately," said Head of BPBD Bangka Regency, Nursi, in Sungailiat, Bangka Belitung Province (Babel), quoted from Antara, Sunday 9 October.

Nursi reminded that the problem of natural disasters is a shared responsibility. He said residents should no longer think that preventing and handling natural disasters is the responsibility of the BPBD or the government.

On the same occasion, Nursi said the Bangka BPBD had increased coordination to prevent potential flooding.

"For residents who are in flood-prone areas, I remind them to pay attention to the condition of the waterways in the neighborhood, make sure the channels remain clean, there are no piles of garbage that can inhibit running water," he said.

Coordination needs to be carried out because there are a number of areas that have the potential for flood disasters during the rainy season such as Sidodi Sungailiat neighborhood, Inpres Market, fishing area, Hanyut Air and several other places.

"Although tidal flooding is usually not too long, it can soak people's homes," he added.

If a disaster occurs, Nursi said that his party had made mitigation preparations. He said that BPBD had prepared a number of personnel who were alerted at any time to go to the field to speed up handling assistance in the event of a disaster.

"I ask that if there is a natural disaster in any form, the community should immediately report it to our side or through the nearest government so that they can immediately get help," he said.

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