
BANJARMASIN - Educational expert from Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Prof H Ahmad Suriansyah, MPd, PhD said, upholding the values of effective honesty in an effort to instill an anti-corruption culture from an early age in schools to students.

"Determine honesty above all else, even though it's something bitter to admit," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, October 9.

Prof. Sur gave an example of the strict prohibition on cheating on a repeat in class or completing schoolwork which is homework (PR).

Teachers are also encouraged to value the process more than just based on the value or final result.

Likewise, parents at home must also be in line with the spirit of promoting honesty rather than just demanding that children get good grades and achievements without seeing the process behind it.

"Why is the child's value high but the result of defamation, such as cheating friends or looking for answers on Google, which should be prohibited under the rules," said the man who served as Director of Post-Pascasarjana ULM.

According to him, from these small things, children's behavior will be formed until they are adults who ultimately determine their character as someone with integrity or not.

"Corruption is only downstream from the wrong character education upstream, so this is a fundamental change that must be addressed," he said.

Prof. Sur also invited all parties involved in the world of education from early childhood education (PAUD) to universities to build their rights awareness if educating human children not only intellectual intelligence (IQ), but more importantly emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ).

"The case of an OTT judge and rector by the KPK has recently been very sad and should open the eyes of the Indonesian world of education, whether something has been wrong so far in educating its human beings," he said.

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