
JAKARTA - The celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 12 Rabiul Awal in 1444 Hijriyah falls today, Saturday, October 8.

The chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, said that the Prophet's Birthday was not just a celebration. According to him, Muslims must be able to find the meaning behind the story of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.

"In several stories, the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is marked by the destruction of the Elephant Troops who came to attack the Kaaba. This has a deep meaning, namely the destruction of the enemies of Allah SWT and the arrival of a new era," LaNyalla said in a written statement.

Another event that marked the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW was the extinguishing of the fire worshiped by the Magi and the arrival of light.

For this reason, LaNyalla invites all Muslims to interpret all these events. "Regarding the sign of the rise of light, I believe that every struggle will have its final results. Light shows a victory," he said.

Departing from this, LaNyalla assessed that Muslims must be winners and provide positive energy to the environment where we are located.

"Islam must be Rahmatan Lil 'Alamain as the spirit of this religion. Muslims must also continue to be winners, especially against themselves in fighting lust that harms themselves and fellow children of the nation," recalled LaNyalla.

LaNyalla also asked all Muslims to participate in the practice and habits of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Be it in everyday life, as well as in the life of the nation and state.

"Of course these guidelines can lead this nation to a better direction, in the direction we want together, namely how the people live side by side," LaNyalla hoped.

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