
JAKARTA - The National Police's Forensic Laboratory secured the rubble of the wall after the crime scene (TKP) at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 19, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta as evidence for laboratory testing.

Head of Laka Bakar Laboratory for the National Police, Kompol Heribertus, said that the crime scene was an early stage to test wall construction.

"So we also brought some samples to be tested more deeply in our laboratory in Puslabfor," said Heribertus in Jakarta, Saturday, October 8, quoted from Antara.

The results regarding the crime scene are still in the process of being investigated. So it is impossible to conclude the cause of the accident until the results of the laboratory test are released.

However, he confirmed that he would immediately conduct laboratory tests so that investigators would not wait long.

On the same occasion, Deputy Head of Laka Bakar, Puslabfor Polri AKP Tatang, added that his party had deployed three people to the crime scene this Saturday.

"So I convey that related to our forensic examination, we use forensic engineering technology where we check analysis files. How it failed, especially on the fence," said Tatang.

Thus, Puslabfor is still investigating and will later be handed over to the South Jakarta Metro Police for evidence as material for investigation.

Heavy rains that took place on Thursday afternoon caused water to enter the field of MTsN 19 South Jakarta.

The guard wall collapsed on the stage wall where the children played. As a result, three students died and two students were treated.

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