
JAKARTA - The National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) inaugurated 50 Papuan youths as Maya World Peace Ambassadors.

"Today we both witnessed the creation of the Maya World Peace Ambassador of Papua Province, of course, it will be an inspiring young generation that we all love peace because peace is very noble and beautiful as Indonesian characters," Head of BNPT Komjen Boy Rafli Amar in Sentani, Friday 7 October.

According to Rafli, the formation of 50 Maya World Peace Ambassadors in Papua Province includes "bloggers, visual communication designs (DKV), and information technology (IT).

Before being confirmed, he said, they had four days of training by making content in the form of writing, memes, infographic, and videos about peace, diversity, tolerance, and local wisdom.

Thus, BNPT hopes that they will be able to spread content and narratives of peace, unity, tolerance, and diversity so that support from elements of local stakeholders and the Papuan Counterterrorism Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT) is needed.

"We hope that the Maya Papua World Peace Ambassador will be the forerunner of the continuation of how young Papuans are creative in producing creative content that can inspire all, provide education, and enlightenment to all of us how important peace is," he explained as quoted by Antara.

He explained that the existence of the Papuan Maya World Peace Ambassador was one of the tasks of BNPT based on the mandate of Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Terrorism Crimes.

Related to that, BNPT performs many tasks of being "soft approach" or a soft approach from upstream to downstream.

"If you refer to Law Number 5 of 2018, it is BNPT's duty not to arrest terrorists but to prevent the Indonesian people from becoming terrorists and prevent the public from becoming victims of terrorism crimes, so this must be done together with all components of the nation and elements of society," he said again.

The former Papuan Police Chief added that BNPT carried out "empowering" development with the strength of elements of the government and the community, with the concept of pentahelix or multi-partisan, namely the government, academics, the community, the media, and the business world in the context of welfare development.

"Because if the people are prosperous, they may become terrorists, they will be small," he said.

He revealed that terrorism has developed into an ideology of terrorism, even their ideas and thoughts based on certain extremism and beliefs that have political goals.

Then in Indonesia, the character of the ideology of terrorism does not agree with the state constitution, does not agree with the ideology of the Pancasila state, is transnational, namely the ideology from outside that is brought to the Indonesian nation.

Furthermore, he said, terrorism is intolerant, exclusive, cannot accept anything else, and wants to live as what is thought plus Ideology terrorism sometimes uses religious narratives, extreme violence that can result in casualties, justify any means, and anti-humaneism.

"What is certain is that their characters are not in accordance with the ideals of the Indonesian nation, which is in love with peace," he said again.

That way, he said, this is where the role of the Maya Papua World Peace Ambassador is to invite the younger generation by producing creative, peaceful, and viral content in the digital world.

"Hopefully it can 'influence' thoughts so that the younger generation is active as actors in realizing world peace," he said.

He asked the Papuan Maya World Peace Ambassador to move to build a spirit of tolerance in the midst of diversity, moving to erode anti-humane violence, therefore the enemy of all things in creating peace and anti-humanity can violate customary law, state positive law, religious law, and the nation's noble values system.

"We want to build the character of the younger generation where the government has declared Indonesia Gold in 2045 with youth cadres who love peace and are ready to realize peace in the Land of Papua, in Indonesia and the world," he said.

He hopes that the Maya Papua World Peace Ambassadors will strive to realize peace through positive works as innovative content creators in spreading the peace virus in Indonesia's easternmost province.

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