
JAKARTA - National Political Indicators released the results of a survey regarding the fuel subsidy. As a result, the majority of respondents stated that the distribution of fuel subsidies was wrong, because many rich people enjoyed it. Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicators Burhanuddin Muhtadi said, 57.1 percent of respondents agreed that the distribution of fuel subsidies was not right on target, 9.5 percent said they strongly agreed. "They consider that subsidized connoisseurs are capable people, for example because they are able to buy private motorized vehicles," said Burhanuddin at an online press conference, Friday, October 7. The survey was conducted by face-to-face method to 1,220 people in September 2022. Respondents are citizens who have the right to vote, are 17 years old or older, or are married. The total survey error (margin of error) is around ± 2.9 percent. Respondents who agreed that the fuel subsidy was not right on target came from various groups, both workers, entrepreneurs, and those who had not worked. Meanwhile, the majority of respondents who agreed that the subsidy was not right on target were the owners of the taxpayer's main number (NPWP) and those who paid taxes. As many as 34.9 percent of respondents considered that the provision of cash subsidies was more appropriate. The reason is that cash subsidies will only target community groups who need assistance, as well as reduce the potential for subsidies to be off target.

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