
CILEGON - The Ciwan Police and the Cilegon Police of the Banten Police have uncovered a criminal case of abuse of gas fuel trading subsidized by the Government, as well as violations of consumer protection.

Cilegon Police Chief AKBP Eko Tjahyo Untoro said that in this case the Ciwan Police had managed to secure 6 people as suspects in the government's subsidized gas collection case. They were selected from JS (46), HS (26), FS (27), OT (44), HN (34), CP (54).

"On September 24, 2022, S was deployed to be precise in Randakari Village, Ciwandan District, Cilegon City, we received reports of suspicious activity, vehicles carrying gas cylinders entered the location. Then officers reported to the Sector Police Chief to order the Criminal Investigation Unit to carry out investigation efforts. And after being declared correct that there was an activity to transfer the contents of the gas cylinder of 3 kilo subsidies to non-subsidized 12 kilo gas cylinders. The Ciwan Police Criminal Investigation Unit immediately secured the evidence and recorded it and took it to the Ciwandan Police," explained Eko in a written statement, Friday, October 7.

Eko said that during this arrest his party managed to secure a number of evidences, namely 3 kg subsidized gas cylinders as many as 280 tubes, 70 kg non-subsidized gas cylinders, 50 iron pipes, 1 unit of Suzuki carry losbak Hitam Nopol: A 8516 ZH, 1 unit of Suzuki carry losbak Hitam Nopol: A 8417 ZH, 43 closing LPG gas seal 3 kg," added Eko.

The perpetrator's method is to move the gas from a small 3 kg tube to a large gas cylinder.

"It is carried out with an iron pipe tool or a 10 cm and ice beam connector, every 4 3 kg LPG gas cylinders are inserted or transferred to 1 12 kg gas cylinder. The motive for the perpetrator is to get a big profit," explained Eko.

The suspect was charged with Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas on Earth.

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