
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Asep Kuswanto, said that currently PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN) is repairing environmental documents so that the company's loading and unloading permits can be re-issued.

PT KCN's environmental permit was previously revoked by the DKI Provincial Government because it was proven to be the perpetrator of coal dust pollution in the Marunda area, North Jakarta.

"KCN is preparing environmental documents so that KCN can operate again. Currently KCN is improving its management and of their many obligations they are slowly being fulfilled," Asep told reporters, Thursday, October 6.

The application for a KCN environmental permit later, said Asep, will be submitted to the central government, in this case the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) which will process the analysis approval regarding the environmental impact (amdal).

Given, since the issuance of the Job Creation Law, all applications for the issuance of business licensing have become the authority of the central government through the online single submission (OSS) system.

"Later, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry team will process the amdal approval from KCN. Because there is an OSS, there is a work creation law, all licensing for port qualifications from the central government," said Asep.

Meanwhile, Asep admitted that the DKI Provincial Government played a role in supervising PT KCN's loading and unloading activities when they were later allowed to operate again.

As is known, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government revoked the environmental permit for the operational activities of PT Karya Citra Nusantara as the perpetrator of coal dust pollution in Marunda Flat, Cilincing, North Jakarta since last June.

The imposition of severe sanctions was carried out after residents of Marunda Flats felt the impact of pollution four years ago and PT KCN had not yet completed administrative sanctions to improve the management of loading and unloading activities.

Warga Marunda mulai merasakan gangguan pencemaran udara ini sejak tahun 2018 lalu. Penyeluran udara ini menimbulkan penyakit serius pada warganya. Kini, ada tiga warga yang sufferi ulkus kornea yang diduga kuat akibat kolumbu batu bara di Marunda tersebut. Pemulihan warga pun kerap didali oleh sebu yang terbangkit kemula.

Then, if PT KCN wants to return to operation, they must regain their environmental permits, by improving environmental management related to loading and unloading activities in accordance with 32 items of administrative sanctions previously imposed by the DKI Provincial Government.

The administrative sanctions in question are requiring PT KCN to make improvements in terms of water quality management, movable and immovable sources emissions, B3 waste, solid waste, noise, and air, to convey the implementation documents.

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