
JAKARTA Flooded last night, Tuesday, October 4, the walls of a resident's house on Ophir Street, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta broke. The Gunung Village has promised to repair the broken wall.

"We will help repair it, we will mobilize the village PPSU," said Lurah Gunung Vita Rangkuti when confirmed, Wednesday, October 5.

Vita said the wall of the resident's house broke because the building materials were already fragile. So when the water discharge is high, the building burst.

Not only that, continued the residents' houses also adjacent to the Grogol River.

"Because of that, the building has been around for a long time, you could say it's already fragile too. Then it's directly adjacent to the river so it gets eroded by water every day," said Vita.

Video showing flood events in residential areas circulated on social media. One of them was uploaded to the Instagram account @recordjakarta.

In the video circulating, an elderly woman can be seen who is still surviving even though her house is flooded.

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