
JAKARTA - Heavy rains that have flushed the Jakarta area since this afternoon have caused flooding at a number of points. This includes the elite area of South Jakarta, Kemang which has led to trending on Twitter.

Monitored from Twitter, the name Kemang sungkring is in first place trending. The reason is indeed due to flooding, Tuesday, October 4.

The DKI Jakarta BPBD Twitter account explained that the flooding that inundated the area was in the process of being vacuumed. Several fire engines were deployed to drain water.

What caught attention was the @sylvkartika account by writing the caption 'Reporting from Venice' to describe the chaos of the Kemang area.

This account describes himself riding a boat to get past Kemang. There were several people seen in the boat.

Monitoring the editors of VOI, the flooding that inundated Kemang made South Jakarta traffic paralyzed. The tail of the traffic jam even overflowed to the South Jakarta mayor's office.

Even motorbikes that are used to rolling around, have to give up with this severe traffic jam. Vehicles that want to enter Kemang are diverted to under the Prince Antasari flyover. Inevitably, severe traffic jams were unavoidable.

Several shortcuts to be able to turn towards Kemang also did not escape the flood. Including the Purat Jeruk area.

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