
JAKARTA - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree on Tuesday, officially stating the prospect of Ukraine's talks with Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin is unlikely, but leaving the door open for talks with Russia.

In a decision published on the official website of the Ukrainian Presidential Office, it is said to be unlikely to hold negotiations with President Putin.

"To acknowledge the impossible to negotiate with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin," the document reads, citing TASS Oct. 4.

The decision 'emerrated' comments made by President Zelensky on Friday, after President Putin declared four Ukrainian occupational areas part of Russia, which Kyiv and the West say are illegal jokes.

"He (Putin) does not know what dignity and honesty are. Therefore, we are ready to have a dialogue with Russia, but with other Russian Presidents," President Zelensky said.

Ukraine's forces managed to penetrate Russia's defenses in the south of the country, as well as expand the rapid attack on the east, retaking territory in the region annexed by Russia, which invaded Ukraine in February.

In a sign that Ukraine was building momentum on two fronts, 300 km northeast of a line of Ukrainian troop vehicles heading to strengthen the hub on the tracks, were taken back on weekends and the performance post to press into the Donbas region.

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